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October 27, 2004


So, I kicked total booty on the test.... as far as I can tell. I went into the TA's office hours the morning of the test, and spent about 2 hours there learning everything I needed to know for the test. It was great. I learned so much, not to mention she pretty much told me what was going to be on the test, without actually telling me what was on the test.

So I just bought the Nokia 6600 and the Nokia N-Gage. Why? you ask. Because I can. After following many a slickdeals thread, I finally decided it would be worth it to get a new phone. I've been wanting a new phone, and the 6600 meets all my Smartphone needs/requirements. Nokia is a superior phone as far as I'm concerned, and I've had a few other brands to know this. T-Mobile service is great. I hardly ever get dropped, and on my trips this past year, there were no times when I couldn't use it (except in HOnduras... big surprise there). So, basically, after rebates, and converting all 3 phones (including my current one) to a family plan, I'll be breaking even, except for activation fees... no big whoop. I can even give my phone to my parents for them to use, if I decide to. Or I could give it (read: sell it) to any fellow t-mobile user. Looks like they're going for around 75 bucks on ebay. So, if I Do that route, I'd be making out like a bandit. Not to mention, I'd have 2 super cool phones, and I'm getting tons of points on my Amazon.com visa card. Woot.

Oh yeah, I had a great time in Atlanta. I just hung out with Brandon and his friends, and he showed me around downtown, etc. Nothing big, just a good time. I like Atlanta a lot. It has a good vibe, and I wouldn't mind living there. Cool people. Don't know if I would like the big city on a permanent basis..... I did live in Rome, a major world city, for 6 weeks, and i loved that.... oh well, we'll see where I end up come summer. :)


Posted by josh at October 27, 2004 11:05 PM


According to Hotline (via The Corner), Bush will be in Gainesville tomorrow. Have you heard anything about this?

Posted by: Tom at October 28, 2004 06:26 PM

He'll be here Sunday at 4ish at the airport.

Posted by: Josh at October 29, 2004 02:39 AM

As big cities go, I really don't like Atlanta. Its not very well designed for car-less living. The public transportation is sub-par. There are few large contiguous walking zones. I liked Rome a lot, although the public transport there was crap as well. Not surprising since no one bothers to pay for it.

Posted by: Matt at October 31, 2004 06:49 PM

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